Dental Bone Graft

For a successful dental implant, patient must have sufficient bone in the jaw to place the implant into. In cases in which a patient does not have enough bone in their jaw, bone grafting is suitable.


Once, your dentist has confirmed that bone in your jaw is not enough to continue with a dental implant, he/she will discuss and decide on the best type of bone graft suitable for you.


In this procedure, dentist will cut the gum at the site of the bone graft and create flap of skin. When the jaw bone is exposed the dentist will place the bone to be grafted onto the site and cover it with a protective membrane. This membrane is used to protect the bone from any microbiota (germs) found in the mouth and ensure that the area is perfectly clean to encourage the healing process. Finally the flap of gum is replaced and stitched carefully back into place. Healing time for a bone graft can vary from patient to patient but on average it is around 4 months. Patients are also given a course of antibiotics to take in the days following their bone graft. Antibiotic mouthwashes are also prescribed to preserve the health of the gum covering the bone graft.


Dentists check on the success of the bone graft by performing x-rays to determine the height and width of the new bone. Once this has been confirmed as satisfactory, and the site of the bone graft is totally healed, the next stage of the dental implant process can begin.


To know more about Dental Bone Graft, call us or use our online form.

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